Creating a Basic Mixture

In a basic mixture, the quantity proportions of each ingredient remain the same for every prescription. You can also create dynamic mixtures, where the quantity proportions of some of the ingredients changes based on the prescription. To learn more, see Creating a Dynamic Mixture.

To create a basic mixture:

  1. Select More > Mixture. The Mixture Search window opens.
  2. In the upper section of the Mixture Search window, enter full or partial information in any of the columns (Generic Name, Trade Name, DIN/PIN, Strength, Mfr, or Form).
  3. Select Search . Any mixtures matching the search criteria display in the bottom section of the window. Check this list to ensure the mixture is not already created.
  4. Select New . A blank mixture folder opens to the first tab. The first tab in the mixture's folder contains basic information, such as the name, compound, and schedule. Use the dropdown below to learn more about the different fields.

  5. Select Add to add ingredients to the mixture. The Drug and Mixture Search window opens.
  6. Search for an select the drug. The drug is added a new row in the ingredients of the mixture.
  7. Enter the following information:
    • Size
    • Qty
    • Unit
  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until all ingredients are added.
  9. Select the Master Formula button. The Master Formulation Record window opens.
  10. Enter information into the Master Formulation Record. Expand the drop down below to see more information about the fields in the Master Formulation Record.

  11. Select OK. The Master Formulation Record window closes.
  12. Select the Save button.